R&J #495 – A Nine-Year-Old at Knife Point

In Blogs, The DLP Agenda by Josh Sroka

Gramps is receiving accolades for his appearance on the show, but at Joe’s expense. Rob gets praise for his week on 98 Rock and explains why he had such a good time doing the morning show. Joe travels to North Carolina and returns unscathed by the hurricane, the earthquake or his father-in-laws verbal barbs. Joe talks about Katie’s reaction to …

R&J #494 – Mr. America

In Blogs, The DLP Agenda by Josh Sroka

Two very special guests join the show in Joe’s absence. Erik Woodworth is participating remotely because his wife would not allow him to go to Joe and Katie’s home. When Rob arrived there earlier, he was stunned by what he found before even entering. Gramps lends his voice to the newest murder mystery and a musical project Erik has in …

R&J #492 – Go Communism!

In Blogs, The DLP Agenda by Josh Sroka

Appropriately the show begins with a follow-up on Joe’s health status. Rob and Joe have both been battling the blues, and the latter had to divorce himself from Twitter as that was a major contribution to his darkened mood. An audience member greets Rob after a show with a far-fetched life story. The meticulous housekeeper returns to detail Katie’s car. …

R&J #491 – CoronaJoe

In Blogs, The DLP Agenda by Josh Sroka

Joe is sick, and the obvious question is raised. This leads to planning for the future in the event of his demise. Rob stepped in front of the Facebook firing squad when he asked a legitimate question about students going back to school. Rob is offered an unusual gig in support of a cause and he accepts in without really …

R&J #490 – Rock ‘n’ Troll

In Blogs, The DLP Agenda by Josh Sroka

At the top of the show Rob is offered a gig. With that, a government grant and his Drybar appearance being released soon he should be rolling in dough. Katie hires a cleaning lady and gets far more than she expected. With the Redskins on the verge of retiring their 87-year-old moniker, Rob asks for a review of the best …

R&J #478 – Righty Here Waiting

In Blogs, The DLP Agenda by Josh Sroka

Several fans and show personalities were in attendance for the first Rob and Joe Zoom party. Joe tells a story about the ongoing house hunt, with a disgusting twist. During the NFL draft coverage, Joe provides spot-on analysis on his social media. This leads to another rant about people entrenched in their positions about how the current world crisis will …

R&J #431 – The Right Bait

In Blogs, The DLP Agenda by Josh Sroka

Gramps and the other regular live listeners appear to love the new chat room. Rob gets a reality check on Tawanda’s opinion of his comedy. While subbing on afternoon drive this week, Rob puts his foot squarely in his mouth off the air. Robby needles Joe about arguing on Twitter even though he knows nothing about the disagreement. Joe and …