R&J #492 – Go Communism!

In Blogs, The DLP Agenda by Josh Sroka

Appropriately the show begins with a follow-up on Joe’s health status. Rob and Joe have both been battling the blues, and the latter had to divorce himself from Twitter as that was a major contribution to his darkened mood. An audience member greets Rob after a show with a far-fetched life story. The meticulous housekeeper returns to detail Katie’s car. Rob nails down plans for next week’s show while Joe is away on vacation. When a friend and colleague is gifted a World Series ring, Rob wonders if Joe’s place in the Ravens’ hierarchy would garner the same level of respect. Joe and Katie don’t love the new release by Taylor Swift, but Rob is enjoying the spate of ballads on the album. Rob finds himself in a quandary competing with Tawanda in a Playstation game, and Joe offers some advice backed by scientific research.

Aired Live Monday July 27th at 6:30PM