R&J #431 – The Right Bait

In Blogs, The DLP Agenda by Josh Sroka

Gramps and the other regular live listeners appear to love the new chat room. Rob gets a reality check on Tawanda’s opinion of his comedy. While subbing on afternoon drive this week, Rob puts his foot squarely in his mouth off the air. Robby needles Joe about arguing on Twitter even though he knows nothing about the disagreement. Joe and Katie love to crap on Rob when they’re playing Cards Against Humanity. At the same party, an innocent bystander gets a barrage of insults hurled at him. Rob and Joe talk to the documentarian OKI again about his struggles and ultimate triumph over the Keyser Soze of comedy. Katie’s already shopping for another wedding dress. Joe is stunned when Katie announces suddenly that she plans to resume an old hobby, and then immediately leaves the house by herself to go pursue it. Joe follows in Gramps footsteps and joins Instagram for similar reason.

Aired Live Monday, July 8th  at 7:45PM