R&J #488 Top Nut

In The DLP Agenda by Josh Sroka

A pre-show snack causes Joe to reminisce about the Christmas stocking stuffers when he and Robby were children. A name in the chat room leads Rob in inquire about a name change for Washington’s NFL team. Rob has several television recommendation for music lovers. A request from Erik whips Gramps into a frenzy. And Joe is stunned that he won’t admit that he may have forgotten some important details from a series of conversations with Robby. While on Summer vacation, Joe likes to indulge in a few fruity cocktails. Tawanda takes a shot a Rob on Instagram during the show. Rob talks about his busy 4th of July weekend; the most he’s left the house in months. Joe and Katie attempt to sedate their dog so the fireworks won’t frighten him. A professor/political columnist with a large Twitter footprint is either not very bright or simply trolling J-L.