R&J #466 – Not the Man I Married

In The DLP Agenda by Josh Sroka

His dog is overweight and now misbehaving, but only Joe is allowed to say so. While a rehearsal was happening for the murder mystery, Rob had a prior commitment and couldn’t be there to keep everyone on task. Joe has made a lot of plans for the next few weeks and he’s paranoid about catching whatever Katie has. Robby has a hypothetical question for Joe about his duties picking audience members to play roles. Katie has thoughts about the dating pool available to her after Joe’s passing. There may be an update about Restivo’s ban status, but Rob and Joe can never seem to get a straight answer out of him when he’s pressed on the air. Rob attempts to talk about the Best Picture winner while Joe interrogates Chris via text. Joe attends another party where the other guests are all much younger than him, and makes it his mission to not to be left standing alone. Rob is reminded of a interaction he once had with the girl who faked cancer from episode 191. Rob censored one of Gramps’ stories because he thought it might be too politically incorrect for the air.

Aired Live Monday, February 10th  at 7:30PM