R&J #443 – Locked Up

In The DLP Agenda by Josh Sroka

Rob frantically searches for his wallet after Robby informs him about his own bank account being hacked. Joe is creeping around the radio station on Sunday morning, or so it might appear to one of his colleagues working in the studio. Rob was not the only one who misplaced something, and when his neighbors are involved Joe can never seem to get out of his own way. The show’s social media is flooded with feedback on last week’s fast casual burger disagreement. Joe and Katie review the new theatrical release “Hustlers”. SPOILER ALERT. Robby saw the movie they should have picked to see instead. Joe recalls a story about asking a girl on a date to see “Rambo: First Blood Pt. II”. Once again, Joe creates tension with Katie when he mentions how she binges shows ahead of him. Rob and Joe argue over the believability of “Unbelievable” on Netflix.

Aired Live Monday, September 23rd  at 7:30PM