R&J #438 – More Than She Bargained For

In The DLP Agenda by Josh Sroka

Joe starts the show by repeating a punchline that hits close to home. Jeff Goldblum is inching toward A-list status with his new Disney deal. Joe gives his review of a new movie starring a golden retriever. SPOILER ALERT! Rob has a Gramps story, but this one he heard at home, not from the man himself. Katie and Joe spent a day in Hershey and couldn’t handle the rollercoasters nor believe the number of ugly people. A major beef that Katie has with Joe spills over on to the show. SNL announces their lineup for season 45 and Rob points to a couple of special nights, for one in particular he’s sure Katie will want to set the DVR. Rob learns a lot about promotion and the definition of “curse word” from his black comedy colleagues. An inferior product and poor customer service do not deter Joe and Erik from being loyal customers to Five Plated Clothing. Although they both look forward to it, neither Rob nor Joe has tried the new Popeye’s sandwich. Katie has major concerns about her rapidly aging husband. Die Laughing seems to be gaining a following finally in Annapolis, but Joe worries when he sees that the crowd skews older. Joe spots someone familiar at a baby shower who doesn’t really want to admit to being a “fan”.

Aired Live Monday, August 26th  at 7:30PM