R&J #415 – Crush

In The DLP Agenda by Josh Sroka

Rob is recovering from an illness probably caused by his heavy travel schedule. Joe is getting a lot of attention by bashing the Orioles’ first baseman on Twitter. Joe had to pay a lot of money to the IRS. Rob thinks he’s recording a great set on his phone, but someone called and totally botched it for him. Joe meets an acupuncturist with a fascinating story about treating a patient with plantar fasciitis. Following-up on last week’s show, Rob wonders what Tommy and Erik might have done if they were left alone in Joe’s room in Atlantic City. Rob and Joe share their thoughts on Jeremy Woodworth’s best actor award acceptance speech. Rob emceed for Louis CK over the weekend and returns to tell the tale. Joe reports on the baseball game as it occurs during the show and an historic record low. Rob helps a musician fulfill a life-long dream. Robby and Joe’s uncle has plans to further his literary career. Rob is a judge for the VA Beach FunnyBone’s Clash of the Comics. Restivo is being given a huge platform to prove himself as an entertainer.

Aired Live Monday, April 8th at 7:30PM