R&J #408 – When A Stranger Calls

In The DLP Agenda by Josh Sroka

Following a Sunday rehearsal for the newest murder mystery, Rob and Joe decide to record some of the show a day early. Erik Woodworth and Oscar also join the show. Erik loved the phone call on last week’s show, and has something new to share from the mind of Chris Restivo. The man behind Five Plated Coasters writes the show with regrets and news about the future of the business. Rob asks Joe to share his feelings about Erik’s brother Jeremy. Rob expresses concern that Erik will exhibit some of his outlandish behavior at a new, and more conservative, venue for the murder mystery. Joe and Katie break down their thoughts on the Oscar nominees with movie critic Mara Reinstein. Rob makes bad decision after bad decision while doing a bit during intermission at the Valentine’s Day murder mystery. This turns into a conversation about “accidental” texts. Rob continues to have trouble with greeting cards when he goes shopping for Valentine’s Day. Joe plans a romantic day starting with flowers from Target and later an over-packed restaurant. Now he’s struggling over what to get for her birthday.

Recorded Monday, February 18th at 7:30PM