R&J #402 – The Oscar Goes to…

In The DLP Agenda by Josh Sroka

Joe expresses his frustration with employees who think they’re entitled to a day off every time it snows. This leads to stories about Joe and Robby’s days at bus boys and getting “Emilied”. Rob gets called-out for not having a clue about how to organize a bachelor party. Katie and Joe plead their cases for custody of Oscar should things go awry, and a judgment is rendered. Tawanda stands up for what’s right when she gets overcharged at Hobby Lobby. Joe wants to know if Katie’s father should be included in the bachelor party. Rob reveals the name of the listener who expressed concern about Katie’s “anger issues”. Katie looks inward to examine the possibility that there is some truth to it and from where these issues might be coming.

Aired Live Monday, January 14th at 7:30PM