R&J #362 – Pack Full of Kittens

In The DLP Agenda by Josh Sroka

While out watching the Caps in a bar, Rob encounters a completely clueless fellow patron. Mr. Amato takes a stab at creating a new show intro. Joe takes a few shots from Mac on Facebook while Rob gets unfairly smacked by another P1 on Twitter. Rob feels guilty after accidently stealing $20 from a fan and Joe tries to buy a meal for a homeless man. Rob complains about a comic who did a guest spot on one of his recent shows. Marcus in not happy with the most recent O’MearaCast. A newly-created void on the sound board at Magooby’s causes confusion. The legendarily terrible local stand-up continues to build on his baffling credits. Joe’s worst employee makes a big announcement. Rob gives a great deal of thought to how he might use his MoviePass gift before it expires.

Aired Live Monday, May 14th at 7:30PM