R&J #353 – No Memory, No Mammary

In The DLP Agenda by Josh Sroka

A mystery listener has posted a Craigslist ad aimed at Joe. For the annual Ocean City weekend, Joe makes the mistake of asking Tim for a ride to the beach. Rob feels he’s losing clout with the Die Laughing Productions crew. The movie Con Air is the topic when Rob joins the Quality Time podcast. Gramps sends a couple new stories, but Robby voices an objection to one of them. It is discovered that certain listeners really aren’t able follow the discussion. A fan of the show chastises Joe on Facebook. When Fox weatherman Vytas Reid says something really dumb, he reveals himself to be the kind of person that Rob and Joe really dislike. After hearing that a domain squatter has appropriated his brand, Chris Restivo is out for blood. Joe and Katie both have their identities stolen and law enforcement doesn’t really want to hear about it. Rob poses a question about the most surprising food to call one’s favorite. Rob and Joe address the controversy happening over on TMOS this week. The inclement weather was ultimately not a factor on the night a new murder mystery debuted, but the possibility had Rob and Joe on edge.

Aired Live Monday, March 26th at 7:30PM