R&J #337 – Coal in Your Stocking

In The DLP Agenda by Josh Sroka

Joe is a little perturbed at Gramps for allowing his Christmas surprise to be spoiled last week. Meanwhile he only continued to listen so he could hear his most recently submitted tale read. Rob and Joe accept a holiday party gig against their better judgment. For this year’s Secret Santa, Joe is concerned his gift to Rob might be totally worthless, and Marcus almost received the most expensive gift of all. Marcus defends the newest Star Wars installment, but complains about the inclusion of the Porgs. Everyone is excited to see Marcus take on Man v. Food, while Joe admits losing a recent battle with a McDonald’s meal. Rob is concerned about an upcoming potentially awkward family moment. Rob and Joe provide tips for winning team names to those who might be planning to attend a future murder mystery show.

Aired Live Monday, December 18th at 7:30PM