R&J #465 – Hot Amish F#¢%

In The DLP Agenda by Josh Sroka

Rob gets off to a rough start because Joe is correcting him and the chat is trolling him. This leads him to talk about a weird heckle he received over the weekend. Joe hears a comedian saying something very similar to comments he’s made on the show. Rob must sub for a comedy tour who undermined their own club dates. Joe wonders if Rob’s famous friend from Kansas City remembers their previous Super Bowl appearance. Rob and Joe have a new fan after last week’s show. While Joe eavesdrops on a conversation in a restaurant, Katie is stressed that he might blurt out his own thoughts about what the man is saying. On the heels of Sunday’s game, Rob and Joe talk about The Star-Spangled Banner and possible future half-time acts. When Robby points to a possible political statement from the show, Joe goes on a rant about social media. Tawanda celebrates a birthday and Gramps is all over it. Once again Joe, intending to do something nice for Katie, fails because he doesn’t know where he is. Joe has consented to participate in a live event for Erik’s podcast, but isn’t as agreeable on the movie he’s required to watch.