R&J #327 – Rob’s Bad Move

In The DLP Agenda by Josh Sroka

The upcoming New Orleans trip has Rob rather confused regarding Joe’s lack of involvement and the concept of the “meet and greet”. Joe mistakenly thinks that Robby is actually being flexible for a change. The Daily Beast does a new piece about their favorite fake millennial punching-bag. A comedy colleague thinks Rob’s career is going better than it truly is. Joe takes extreme measures in an attempt to prove he’s not a telemarketing scammer. One of Joe’s favorite musical act’s tour won’t be coming to the DC area, so he goes to see the next best thing. Rob makes a big assumption about an invite from one of his celebrity friends. Joe’s son celebrates his 20th birthday at a Die Laughing show. Joe wants to live an HD lifestyle in an RGB home.

Aired Live Monday, October 23rd at 7:30PM