R&J #313 – Rob’s Fault

In The DLP Agenda by Josh Sroka

Following three new revelations about Scott Apple’s amazing lack of knowledge, Rob is desperate to get him back on the show. This season of The Bachelorette (and the fantasy league) come to a close, and still Robby is pleading innocent after crushing the competition. Robby has become far too busy for the show. Joe takes exception to the handling of OmearaCast by couple of the frequent guest hosts. Rob’s suspicions about a former driving class student are confirmed when the man is arrested. The addition of a new member to the fantasy football league is making Joe nervous. When a friend and comedy colleague of Rob and Joe collapses during a performance, a different MORE network show gets the exclusive interview. Rob gets a bad report on one of the crew members when he returns to a murder mystery venue to perform stand-up. Joe is making plans for the move into Gramp’s house.

Aired Live Monday, August 7th at 7:30PM