R&J #287 – Politics & Sex

In The DLP Agenda by Josh Sroka

The Die Laughing Productions players seem to have taken the nursing home gig seriously. It’s only been ten days, but Robby is already eager to record another bonus show. Marcus’s wife learns that their marital secrets were revealed on one of those premium episodes. Rob flaunts his encounter with Bernie Sanders’ national press secretary to make Marcus jealous. Rob tries in vain to extract himself from an obligation to do several shows in Southeastern Virginia. Joe presents a theory on the controversy surrounding this year’s Best Picture Oscar, and an analysis of the entire broadcast follows. Mac Bergson releases his power rankings and Robby’s strong opinions stated on the previous show, not surprisingly, hurt his position. Scott Apple proposes some interesting names for his awaited daughter. Rob reveals that someone in the MORE family might have to take his driver improvement class. Joe saw entirely too much penis over the weekend. Robby gets a distracting text during the show that once again highlights his aggressively proactive nature.

Aired Live Monday, February 27th at 7:30PM