OMC #105 – MORE Love

In The Mike O'Meara Show by Josh Sroka

Marcus and Steve and together again talking about all the shows of MORE Broadcasting. We send a message of healing love to Mike O’Meara as he has a tough week with his tummy. We are less than a week away from The Mike O’Meara Show LIVE CAT 2014. Mike says he will be there. Baptism weekend has Oscar losing his stuff, Mike forgetting his lines, and Robb entertaining Mike with some TV watching. VOTE FOR JULIA! Julia Spewak wants to see Fall Out Boy, and you can help. A fat guy makes fat guys look bad. On The Tony Perkins Show, there’s lots of bathroom talk and etiquette. We analyze Gary Stein’s ringtone, and people need to stop talking in the stalls. Joe Robinson won’t be getting his own show on WBAL, but a bigger problem is those “other” people who take all the candy bars. Scott Apple gets a thank you, and Rob sings. Which is more likely to happen, Apple Pay works or Oscar starts dancing. Thanks to the Rob and Joe Show for the new show open. Thank you for listening. Please subscribe on ITunes or Stitcher.