Wednesday, and Oscar has a dream. Plus gifts, birthday chat and talk of scars.
Today, lottery discord! Marital discord! Today Show discord! And a small let down.
Monday, and our craggy voices recall our huge show at the State, your calls and poor Jackie Mason.
Happy La La La Birthday, Oscar! Also, crazy tweeting, fickle sports and a grand April Fools tale. Have a great weekend, kids…and see you at the State!
Thursday with Sheen analysis, your letters, the story Blanchechat and the Bickersons play some tunes.
Today, we meter the ugly, we suffer lottery fever, we bemoan the Crapitals…and a bit of Magic.
Today, we get a bad case of the Krebs, we talk Mad Men and we talk to an aorta, sorta.
A Mondee get-together…with Mike taking requests, some internet monkeyshines and the sad end to a great man. Woo woo woo.