IRT kicks off a very festive Tuesday with “shuttle fever”, some love for Robb, holograms and the best call(s) ever.
Boston Mikey vs. (1) the Fitness Family and (2) airport security. Plus your letters and a review of the Stooges flcik. Kinda.
Friday…with Hollywood half-truths, superstitions and Robb takes on another child. Zou Bisou Bisou.
Wednesday with Bawlmerese, on-line auction sites, TV Talk and a love letter to James Kimmel.
Tuesday get together and Billy visits us from up north, we all have opinions on “pressure”, Mike vs. youtube and Robb vs. WWE. Nosferatu.
Easter Monday with Easter chatter, scary fish, a gift dor Diaz and (of course) Hootington.
Friday fun! A little Nantsy, a little retro TV, and Mike shows us his meat. Have a blessed holiday.
Just a wacky Thursday…with your letters, masters talk, Easter plans and a brick!