Today, we meter the ugly, we suffer lottery fever, we bemoan the Crapitals…and a bit of Magic.
Today, we get a bad case of the Krebs, we talk Mad Men and we talk to an aorta, sorta.
A Mondee get-together…with Mike taking requests, some internet monkeyshines and the sad end to a great man. Woo woo woo.
Marc and Lowell Ep 13 Promo.mp3
Preview of The Marc & Lowell Show (March 22, 2012 – Episode 13). Please subscribe on !
Friday with a recap of a Thursday meltdown, exclusive court coverage, enablers and Zoolander in flight.
Thursday, and Oscar has a brush with the law, Robb Travels back in time and we spend some time in…Buzz’s world.
Mister Cirrito comes by for a Wednesday…plus, Robb’s evening, Mike’s morning and we talk of Trump.
We got the blossom fever! Also, Mike’s hands and a call out west.