Wednesday with the magic of “The Jumping Flea”…plus drama and the curtain pulls way back.
638: Just Like Sam Huff
Toozdee! With Car-Jay, a parenting update, Zero and a BoSox obit.
637: America’s Friend
Monday…and we welcome Mr. Mike O’Meara back from Sturgis. Mitt coverage, a big announcement and…Wyoming.
636: Tastes Buttery
Tomo on a Friday as we go all techie…plus your letters, Bolivian Coke and Zoolander’s pants.
635: 48 Long
Mike pulls the curtain back (live from Sturgis!) and a real celeb interview…plus: gambling, real estate and brassieres.
634: Helmet in the Cab
Sturgis 3.0 with sleepy (?) Mike, a Cirrito-flavored vignette and… > Beers.
633: Numbskull
Mike’s travelogue 2.0 and live from Strugis, plus an iPhone update, Cary & Funyons.
632: The Ukelele is Hot Again
Monday…with Mike from the road (and car henge!), a bad weekend for soggy electronics and butterfingers Burbank. Plus: He is…The Concealer.