726: Third-tacular (Part 3)

In The Mike O'Meara Show by Josh Sroka

Join the gang, their family and friends as they celebrate the holidays and the third anniversary of TMOS!  Today’s show kicks off with an extended edition of, “Marc Ronick, This is Your Life”, featuring Marc’s parents (the real ones) and camp…

724: Cheeseburger

In The Mike O'Meara Show by Josh Sroka

Santa makes one more stop before the holidays…plus a sonogram tale, Facebookery and we put a listener in Jeopardy.  Gary Krimble folks!  Thanks for a great year!

723: Fat Hair

In The Mike O'Meara Show by Josh Sroka

Sonogram Thursday with Mr. Cassidy, your letters, the magic of legislation, hair…and a surprise guest.  Ho Ho Ho!  Today’s show is brought to you by our very own Amazon page!  Plenty of last minute gifts still available in time for…