Thursday bring us the Mailbag (shocker!)…plus: Renny, Ray and a Subway classification system.
741: Audio Vault Fail
Quite a spirited one today, with $ecret Marc, lip synchery, the town of zit and and some very rare tape.
740: Big Thinkers
Today, Jack Cassidy stops in…plus a full Inauguration recap, chowder destruction and the texting of Robb and Mike.
739: 4 More Years!
Monday get-together has LIVE coverage of inuagural festivities (thank you, Mike!), plus Oscar tips a few and the blood on Buzz’s hands.
738: Water Taxi
Friday has our weather expert, our political expert, varmints, current events…and Oscar’s World. Have a great weekend!
737: I’m Healed
Thursday fun-fest with the mailbag, Mike gets an unsettling phone call, thoughts on Manti Te’o, Inaugural plans…and talking with Marc.
736: Zero Dark Buzzy
Wednesday fun for y’all with airline news, Mike at the movies, Buzz vs. the druggist and the anger of Robb.
735: Two Hours From Death
Rockin’ Tuesday…as we dissect the Abbey, a big road trip announcement, we discuss our bebut on WTNT and Buzz vs. the law…(again).