Friday! A wonderful show with Wayne, wine… and obituaries. Have a great weekend and don’t forget your
#894: A Totally Nother Computer
Toady, we take a moment to remember. Plus we’re joined by the Harveys from H.H.A. and a love letter to Apple.
#893: You Forced It, So That’s Good
Today, hello to Glen Harris. Plus: road rage, Redskins, our search for pleasure and an iPad disaster.
#892: Binge
It’s a big Serena Monday! Plus Redskins fun, Mike’s pain, baby update and… O’Mearacon.
#891: Stationary Jester
Friday! Hot Russian action. We talk the C.E.S., Mike on sports… and the Factory.
#890: Three Tiered Vegetable Cozy
Today! Letters with a VCU twist, yogurt seeds, refrigerators and Mike is… technology man.
#889: Tia Cathy
El Frankie returns! Plus computer woes, pony cheats death and a birthday surprise.
#888:Bar Graph
Today… A huge announcement! Plus: All three back in studio, a thrilling tale of Vegas, mike gets tense… and pie.