575: Far More Vaster Than Mine

In Archives by Josh Sroka

Monday!!  With a major announcement (Shocking!), Iowa+Carbo recaps and a fitting farewell to Mr. Dunn.  Plus, a colonel of truth.

573: My Middle Eye

In Archives by Josh Sroka

Today: Don’t f@*$ with the CIA…a taste of sports…Robb’s World…a body part speaks.  A berry good show!

571: Smoke!

In Archives by Josh Sroka

Monday action begins with an apology…then, CPR recap, issues with hydration & walking and “the bet that wasn’t”.

567: Rough

In Archives by Josh Sroka

Tuesday with an apology for idiocy, Buzz duets with Mel and the debut of “King’s Things.”

563: Spilled Yogurt

In Archives by Josh Sroka

Wednesday!  Hockey fever with “Ovie” and our big night at Jimmy’s, some tasty hate mail and Mike reveals his most despised politician.  It’s deportable!