The C*** Stays

In Blogs, The DLP Agenda by Robby

Mickey Cucchiella joins the show to cover while Rob is on the final leg of his tour. Robby covers the history of Mickey’s previous appearances, and Joe recalls a saga of tension with the old morning show. Joe recaps his thoughts about the recent one-man show, and Mickey responds to all his questions, concerns and compliments. Joe attends a funeral …

Straight Ecstasy

In The DLP Agenda by Robby

Justin Schlegel joins the show, and as a long-time fan of the podcast has many opinions on it. Joe recaps his morning filling in for Justin on 98 Rock. Justin and Joe compare notes on their Thanksgiving plans. Justin saves a grocery store manager from being attacked by two young punks. The dynamic among the Die Laughing Productions cast is …

The Cucchiella Monologues

In The DLP Agenda by Robby

Erik and friend Larry join the show to fill-in during Rob’s absence. Robby promotes the wrong guest co-host. Erik weighs-in on recent show discussions which leads to an exchange about Steven Seagal movies. There is an update from last week’s show regarding Robby’s birthday/Thanksgiving plans. It’s Mickey Cucchiella birthday and Joe reviews the new one-man stage show and reminisces about …

He’s A Liar

In Blogs, The DLP Agenda by Robby

Everyone associated with the show is admiring their Christmas card from Mac Bergson, and one person actually received two. Joe gets admonished unfairly by someone on the 98 Rock morning show. Joe credits Rob on the air for writing a Ravens Game Day segment, but Rob thinks there is an ulterior motive. A horrible show from the DC Universe is …

Jeremy Spoke

In Blogs, The DLP Agenda by Robby

Another song contribution from Jeremy, and his first live appearance on the show, leave much to be desired. Joe and Katie find a surprising piece of Aunt Mom’s history while taking inventory of the many years of accumulated possessions in Gramps’ house. At the movie theatre comedy show, all the comics tried their hand at Joe’s classic closer. Rob discusses …

The Pain and the Yearning

In Blogs, The DLP Agenda by Robby

Following a successful Halloween show, Rob and Joe lament the loss of murder mystery revenue in 2020. Erik joins the show again, this time to ask him if he landed a coveted feature spot. Rob suggests how Gramps can expand his horizons updating to television streaming technology without fully understanding the mindset of the elder Robinson. This leads to a …

Gramps for President

In Blogs, The DLP Agenda by Robby

Joe spent some time listening to classic county with Gramps and was surprised by how little his father knew about the music. Rob has an idea for another collaboration between Gramps and Erik, so the talented Mr. Woodworth is called and asked if he’s up for the challenge. When a listener has a dream about Robby, it is revealed that …

R&J #501 – I Don’t Wanna Be Sedated

In Blogs, The DLP Agenda by Robby

Other podcasts are clamoring to piggy-back onto Rob and Joe by becoming the next Gramps story sponsor. Die Laughing returns to the stage with a brand new murder mystery following a 7-month involuntary hiatus. Joe has not planned properly for his colonoscopy and Katie is annoyed by his lack of preparedness. Rob and Joe get notes from the station GM …