The C*** Stays

In Blogs, The DLP Agenda by Robby

Mickey Cucchiella joins the show to cover while Rob is on the final leg of his tour. Robby covers the history of Mickey’s previous appearances, and Joe recalls a saga of tension with the old morning show. Joe recaps his thoughts about the recent one-man show, and Mickey responds to all his questions, concerns and compliments. Joe attends a funeral …

Old Maskless

In Blogs, The DLP Agenda by Robby

With Joe subbing for Justin all week on the morning show, Gramps was a big topic of conversation on 98 Rock. The Robinsons had a small Christmas celebration with some of the family absent due to Covid fears. Christmas gifts were abundant, but some people received a lot more of the wealth than others. Joe is spending New Year’s at …

All Time Low

In Blogs, The DLP Agenda by Robby

Joe recounts his many moves in the past eight years and the number of places from which the show has emanated. Gramps provides some grades and gives very high marks except to one recent guest’s appearance. Rob and Joe are full of skepticism regarding the goalie turned placekicker for Vanderbilt. Someone recognizes Joe from his voice. Thanksgiving was different this …


In Blogs, The DLP Agenda by Robby

Rob and Joe are curious how to approach their Monday night Ravens show and what listeners will be most interested in hearing from them now. Joe was so inspired by Jeremy and his disgusting tale of infestation, that he created his own song. While watching a movie Joe sees an actress who looks familiar, and this leads him to memories …

Sock Off

In The DLP Agenda by Robby

Rob wonders if the chat room regulars will lose interest after missing so many weeks of live shows. Joe doesn’t like doing the Purple Power Hour after a loss. The show will be recorded at Gramps house in the near future which presents both obstacles and opportunities. J-L addresses the speculation on last week’s show. This leads to another A-list …

Jeremy Spoke

In Blogs, The DLP Agenda by Robby

Another song contribution from Jeremy, and his first live appearance on the show, leave much to be desired. Joe and Katie find a surprising piece of Aunt Mom’s history while taking inventory of the many years of accumulated possessions in Gramps’ house. At the movie theatre comedy show, all the comics tried their hand at Joe’s classic closer. Rob discusses …

The Pain and the Yearning

In Blogs, The DLP Agenda by Robby

Following a successful Halloween show, Rob and Joe lament the loss of murder mystery revenue in 2020. Erik joins the show again, this time to ask him if he landed a coveted feature spot. Rob suggests how Gramps can expand his horizons updating to television streaming technology without fully understanding the mindset of the elder Robinson. This leads to a …

Flowers and String Cheese

In Blogs, The DLP Agenda by Robby

Joe explains the show’s hiatus and mentions some people who chipped-in during a very sorrowful and trying time for the Robinson family. Allison Jenkins has finally received the T-shirt she won six months ago. Another fan makes a request of Joe with a deadline attached and fingers are crossed. Jeremy has produced a jingle for the Purple Power Hour and …