Happy Valentines Day to all you lovely lovers out there! Today, the three principles try to make VD better, they try to fix crime in the big city, and they discuss feelings vs. statistics. Also, the worst bathroom habits… please pass the…
#3216: The Tread On Your Face
We kick off today’s show with an impromptu chat with a few A-listers. Mike has his face in the place, Robb explains Einstein, and Oscar prepares for demo. What was up with that streaker at The Big Game? Plus, Mike gets re-tired….
3215: Weeping Sore
Today, Mike puts on a brave face and we all break down THE BIG GAME! The highs, the lows, the gameplay, the OT, the commercials… and the pageantry (?). Oscar has a great story about halftime entertainer Usher… and we have awkward…
#3214: Always Buy American
Mr. Robb is gauging the situation… but then breaks down how he likes to troll innocent people on-line and why he hates his home town. Why do folks dislike when we talk cars? I mean, wouldn’t you really rather have a Buick? Nicky D….
#3213: Michael FAST-bender
Well, it’s always something. What are you gonna do? Don’t get happy… even if you have vermin. We also talk about a great (free) TV recco, Costco pro-tips, and the elusive Maine accent. And, Hooray for Dude! This Episode is…
#3212: Captain Handyman
Why is Mike translucent? Where did the stud-finder come from (and why isn’t it working)? Who broke the TV? Who is Vega$ Matt? And why in the world would a grown up want to be “pampered”? These answers (and more) await…
#3211: Applevision… Woah!
Today, Mike tells us what we might expect for his… FAAAAACE. We finally have an underwear solution! We break down the Grammys and we discuss the new Apple iGoggles (game changer). Plus, low level islands? No good. This…
#3210: Sarcastic Gesture
Mike has a few words about the kindly oldsters in his neighborhood. Michael comes by for a little shout out (and analysis of his Dad)… and we talk about the biting of the nails. Would you ever bid on an abandoned storage unit? …