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#3403: The Medicine Chest (Commercial Free)

In Commercial Free by Josh Sroka

Will you be our Valentine? Josh’s birthday is forgotten but Costco may come to the rescue. What is up with Dr. Phil and Clint? Will Robb get his casino? Maybe not, but YOU can get a free TV. Plus, Robb is a real show-stopper. TMOS Commercial Free: (Protected Content)

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#3402: Before The End Of The Show (Commercial Free)

In Commercial Free by Josh Sroka

change to Buckle up for an episode that’s more loaded than a ballpark nacho. We kick things off with some baseball heartbreak, roll right through the wickets of disappointment, to an announcement we know some of you will be excited for and take a swing at why hot dogs are apparently the enemy. Plus, Saturday Night Live. It’s a home …

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#3400: Brown Out (Commercial Free)

In Commercial Free by Josh Sroka

Thirsty Thursday (?) and we visit with Mr. Diamond for his play-off picks… Play-offs? Mike gives us a “device” report… plus, mancaves, vitamins, and Japanese steakhouses. TMOS Commercial Free: (Protected Content)

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#3397: The Great Room (Commercial Free)

In Commercial Free by Josh Sroka

Does Mike Mike really own a “bad dog”? When is it OK to swear? Why is Josh headed to Orlando (and who will he see?)? How do “the squares” work? Plus, a horrifying, dark TV show… and an underwater interview. TMOS Commercial Free: (Protected Content)

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#3396: “The Express Lane” (Commercial Free)

In Commercial Free by Josh Sroka

We discuss the possibility of the “medically curious” possibly “widening the lane”. This you don’t wanna miss. Josh has an old issue with his new gym and Robb reveals the most annoying thing you can ask for during a flight. Oh, and by the way, that ain’t Brad Pitt. TMOS Commercial Free: (Protected Content)