Today, we hit on the hot topics of the day… like dogs and shoes and toenails. Do you believe in ghosts and goblins? Do you mow your lawn while the show records? Robb is dealing with a breakup… and Carla catches him in the act. TMOS Commercial Free: (Protected Content)
#3335: Get Off (Commercial Free)
Mike’s football weekend was… unrewarding (his poor hat). However, he *DID* find a new “bad place”! Robb goes to the dog park for some humpin’ around… and they finally found that Lego. Plus, who wants casserole? TMOS Commercial Free: (Protected Content)
#3334: New Guy (Commercial Free)
The NFL returns today… and so does Nicky Diamond… and we got him! Plus, a moment of reflection and empathy. Can you reheat coffee? SexBoy would know. And… does he look like Josh? TMOS Commercial Free: (Protected Content)
#3333: Imagine Killing People (Commercial Free)
Today we talk to best-selling author Amy Tintera about her amazing book LISTEN FOR THE LIE. Plus, what does Robb imagine? Mike is TIREd of waiting… and Wossamatta Frankie Valli? Heeza stand so still. Chase that swine! TMOS Commercial Free: (Protected Content)
#3332: Equal Opportunity Ruckus Labeler (Commercial Free)
Back from Labor Day! Today, Carla travels! Mike does not. Robb’s tattoo causes some friction. Let Mike and Cathy run the world! Mike likes the blood orange (and, apparently, the mayor does, too.). TMOS Commercial Free: (Protected Content)
#3331: Peanut Butter Bomb (Commercial Free)
Mike goes to “Back to School” night… and the results may surprise you. Why do wives ignore our calls? We have some love for Macca and Shaq… and we dive into the mailbag: Hawk Tua, and whatnot. TMOS Commercial Free: (Protected Content)
#3330: You’re The Worst (Commercial Free)
Today’s program is a big, fat episode! We discuss class politics, classroom slang, big bets by bad golfers, dreading your teams, and a call to Carla. Plus, Mike’s attraction to Helen Roper and some one hit wonders. TMOS Commercial Free: (Protected Content)
#3329: Bat Dog! (Commercial Free)
Mike is… The Coffee Snobb. Robb has some pool complaints… and what about OJ’s cremains? We debut a new TMOS TV commercial (it’s great) and who else is in a “sports funk”? Maybe a brand new face will help! TMOS Commercial Free: (Protected Content)