Mike has some thoughts on elevator courtesy. Plus a “Fanta Fun Fact”! Robb is back as the voice in the sky… and sometimes it’s better if someone else does the complaining FOR you. DirecTV? No too helpful. 18 DAYS! TMOS Commercial Free: (Protected Content)
#3358: Vegastories (Commercial Free)
Guess who’s back? Back again? It’s Mike… and travel is no bueno. Josh wins again, we debut VEGASTORIES, and Carla takes to the briney deep with Ralph TMOS Commercial Free: (Protected Content)
#3357: Hotel Costa Aplente (Commercial Free)
Mike is still in Mexico and loving it. Today, he explores a love/hate relationship with his microphone. Say what you will, but Robb certainly knows basketball. It was a bad night at the German Firehouse… but at least nobody stole their generator. TMOS Commercial Free: (Protected Content)
#3356: 15 Spot (Commercial Free)
Get ready for “Margarita Mike” broadcasting from Mexico! He also has trouble with the ump and weeps with Joel. Shut up, Jerry! Plus, that is a Chinese robot shark. TMOS Commercial Free: (Protected Content)
#3355: The Juice (Commercial Free)
TWENTY-FIVE DAYS until VEGA$! Plus, we take the time to break down The Menendez Show on TV and Robb has to make an emergency exit (intriguing!). BED BUG FAKE NEWS… and Jimmy Failin’. TMOS Commercial Free: (Protected Content)
#3354: Christopher Columbus Freak Off (Commercial Free)
Today, Robb spends his anniversary in the ER (28 years is the “Urine Sample” anniversary). Mike prepares for Mexico and gifts a lovely keep-sake to Carmen. We have 26 days until Vega$… where you can play with your ding-a-ling. TMOS Commercial Free: (Protected Content)
#3353: Teddy Rugzpin (Commercial Free)
Big Milton Energy! Today, Robb and Josh give a post-storm update and look forward to Vega$… only 30 days! Green Day is clever and Chef Ramsey has a sip. YUCK. TMOS Commercial Free: (Protected Content)
#3352: God Speaks Yiddish (Commercial Free) updated
It’s the MILTON show! Mike and josh are prepping for the storm… and Robb takes a moment to catch up with good-guy (and funnyman) Adam Ferrara to promote a trip to Maryland, hon. 31 DAYS ’til VEGAS… and we love Tommy Newsom. TMOS Commercial Free: (Protected Content)