OMC #95 – MORE with LESS

In The Mike O'Meara Show by Josh Sroka

Marcus is running solo for this show. So we get through a lot of clips from this week in MORE Broadcasting. Cake & Cookies reflect on those who have passed and the party after. Also, an awkward moment on C&C which proves the sexual tension. Rob & Joe talk about the Name Game, and Joe doesn’t care. Also, what is up with Joe’s flip flops? On The Tony Perkins Show, Gary Stein runs a word game and busts Tony for having some 1st world celebrity problems. Also, Tony & Gary talk to former Washington Redskins World Champ Jeff Bostic about the old days of being part of the inner circle during the Hog days. On The Mike O’Meara Show, Oscar struggles witht eh English language, he outs himself and his closeness to Todd, and Carla gets mad at a listener. You can subscribe to the show on ITunes or Stitcher. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter to see what is happening across MORE Broadcasting. Thanks for listening.