#88: All about Rob(b)

In The Mike O'Meara Show by Matt Bluhm

Marcus Certa, Will Johnson, and Steve Mermelstein cover some of the topics brought up on MORE Broadcasting. There are clips from Tech 411 Show, The Mike O’Meara Show, Rob & Joe Show, and Cake & Cookies: The Robb & Katie Show. The is discussion about Robb and Cary making fun of people. Katie gets punk’d. Rob Maher has a typical day with Joe Robinson giving him hell. The Rob & Joe show try to do some new promos, and much more is heard and discussed on this episode. Follow the show on facebook at facebook.com/omearacast or @OMearaCast. Subscribe to the show on ITunes or Stitcher, but it is always available to download on Monday at mikeomearashow.com. Enjoy!
