#1045: Vanity

In The Mike O'Meara Show by Matt Bluhm

A real radio “get” today. Plus, vampires… Cubans… masks… Mr. Ferguson… and a new contest! Don’t forget to send your mother’s day stories to MOTHER@MIKEOMEARASHOW.COM!

A Big Asterisk

In The DLP Agenda by Matt Bluhm

Rob and Joe explore the importance of food vs. sex by answering some hypothetical questions. Rob is skeptical when a long-time adversary of the show extends an invitation. The resulting meeting is detailed and dissected. A list of “don’ts” for the highly confident person is analyzed point by point as it relates to the tendencies of those on the show. …

Your Worst Show Experience

In The DLP Agenda by Matt Bluhm

Rob questions the Boston Marathon winner’s nationality and plays God with the weather. A heated difference of opinion erupts surrounding comedy club business philosophy and the ongoing local competition under Joe’s management. Rob and Joe perform at a strip club and it’s not as fun as one would imagine. A PSA played during the second spot break leads Rob and …

#1036: Santastic

In The Mike O'Meara Show by Matt Bluhm

Letters… we get letters! Plus, birth certificates, sketchy zoos and Robb’s results. Today’s show is brought to you by our friends at Legal Zoom, Check them out today and be sure to use promo code TMOS in the referral box!

#1035: House Of Apnea

In The Mike O'Meara Show by Matt Bluhm

Today, we seek the fat. Plus: a tax disaster, Robb and TV and the worst address ever. Today’s show is brought to you by our friends at Legal Zoom, Check them out today and be sure to use promo code TMOS!

Show # 65

In The Mike O'Meara Show by Matt Bluhm

Wendi is off today but comedian Mike Quindlen is filling in! We talk American history and he hates on Millennials. Can you believe this goofy bastard has run with the bulls seven times?